Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Tristans 1st Spoon feeding..

Tristan turned 4 months today!! So we treated him with Cereal and Applesauce! LOL He ate the applesauce this afternoon and Cereal for dinner. He did really well! I love him! Such a big boy! ((TEAR))
1st taste... Not too sure what to think lol
"hmm Yum I think I like it Mommie"

So happy eating his cereal this evening...hope he's nice and full and sleeps allll night. :-)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Update on Trist...

Praying as he fell asleep...

I wanted to post an update on Tristan's development, he is almost 4 months now so these are a few things I noticed he's doing.
  • Talking and making sounds. (Today I noticed he was mocking me with one of the noise I make with him)
  • Rolls over (he rolls over once and gets stuck we have to really watch him now!)
  • Holds his head up and when he is laying down he tries to lift his head up like he's doing a sit up. - haha
  • Plays with his hands. (He puts his fingers in his mouth, I hope that's not a habit he is starting :-( )
  • Noticed his feet and tries to put them in his mouth but can't quite get them there yet.
  • Thinks he can stand up he is too grown, he never wants to lay like a baby.
  • Laughs out loud
  • Grabs and swats at his toys, he plays with some of his toys now.

That is all I can think of for right now. This little boy is so smart he is doing new things every day! His 1st Christmas is coming up so you know there will be lot of pictures. Can't wait to see some of you soon!


**** Oh and I also put a new feature on the blog so you can keep up with his age. Check out the very top of the page.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Santa Claus is coming to town!

Last night we put up our little Charlie Brown Christmas tree... Tristan had fun, I can't believe he is already almost 4 months! He is 3 months and 2 weeks to be exact :-). Enjoy the pics of the beginning of his 1st Christmas...

In the tree box lol

All finished!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tristan's 1st Basketball game!!

Tristan went to his first basketball game last night at the Bobcat arena... Celtics vs. Bobcat's, we had a great game.. he was paying attention, he knew what was going on lol. He was such a big boy.

Look at my big boy... He is growing so fast!

"Uncle Zay I want to watch the game!"

No fighting KG lol

Ray Allen is one of Mommie's favs... Go Jesus! lol

Night Night Stinka! He was out for the 2nd half... zzzzZzz