Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Vote for Tristan! Rock the Vote!

I entered Tristan in the Baby Gap model casting call... You can vote once a day after you are registered. Simply go to and register and after that go to this link and vote. For some reason if this link doesn't take you too his picture his id is 171622365. THANK YOU FAMILY AND FRIENDS!!! PLEASE REMEMBER YOU CAN VOTE ONCE A DAY!!

Car Ride to NY

My Mighty Mouse was such a big boy. He was sleep most of the way he woke up to eat and went back to sleep. It was a 6 hour ride from Richmond he went through 3 bottles... Speaking of bottles.. He no longer can use Similac Sensitive he liked it a lot but it made my poor baby break out with a rash! It looked like heat but I thought back to when I started seeing the little bumps and it was when he started on the Similac :-( Poor Stinka, but he is back on Good Start and his little face is already starting to cleat up. Like I said, I thought it was a heat rash because that's what it looked liked but it's going down! Whew! I did not like it at all. Back to the ride... When we got to my house it was about 5:30pm maybe 6. He was up for a bit but a little fussy... I knew he was tired from the ride, he allllways fights his sleep like he is going to miss something lol last night he slept through the whole night :-), he is a trooper and My little New Yorker is ready to meet the rest of his family and friends!!
Sleeping the right knocks him right out..

I know he's thinking about something... What? I don't know lol
Look at those cheeks!

Yup Chico came along for the ride...Nosey..SIT DOWN CHICO!

Hey Ma! Give me my bottle! With his eyes super wide lol

At a rest stop... He was out for a little... He needed a stretch lol and a diaper change.

We made it! Thanks Uncle Ruben.... Now they are knocked out! LOL

VA weekend!

Friday afternoon Tristan and I picked up his Abuelita from the airport...From there we kept it moving to VA. Tristan did really well for the drive we only had to stop once for him to eat. He slept the whole 2 hour ride. When we get to Great Grandma's house in Va. my uncle rushes to the car to get him out. This is the 1st time my Aunt's, Uncles, Cousins and Grandmother have seen him besides pictures. He goes right into my Grandmothers room and she is smiling from ear to ear! Saying "Awww he's such a pretty baby." My Aunt and 2 cousins were there too! So excited to see him.. it was a picture perfect moment! But I freakin left my camera! Soo so mad! So I didn't get the pic of the 1st time is Great Grandmother held him but it's ok.. he had a full full weekend so full he slept allllll day Saturday at my Grandmothers Birthday party, which was super nice! Here are some pics from the party.......

We made it to Va... This is the night we got there the only pic I could take on my cell then it died. SMH!!

I Love this pic!

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Tristan and one of his Godsisters Jada

Amaya is is other Godsister just missing Harmony and Jada #2 lol

Awww look at him sooo happy with his Auntie Grandma Mimi...

Hot Grandma! She's beautiful!

I've had a long day Grandma Becca

Tristan loves his Great Grandma! She is in love with him too!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

My Mighty Mouse!

He's trying to talk to me...soon he will be getting those sounds out!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Quick Visit with his Grandparents...

This afternoon Tristan got a visit from his Grandaddy and Mama Ku Ku :-).  Which was a huge help because that gave me time to get ready for the day... Had to get my hair done for my trip to VA and NY.  His Grandparents are sooo in love with him... Next week he will be with Mama Ku Ku alllll day! Good Luck! Here are a few pics from the visit.

Tristan and his Mama Ku Ku (thats Grandma in Swahili)

They are so in love with him... look at his Grandaddy cheesing!

We have to get ready Tristan... Mommie has to get her hair done!

He is a "Ladies Man"  all the girls in the shop are in love with him...

This pic was taken a few days ago I love it so I had to sneak it in! MUAH BABY!

Ok... I took the time out to do this really quick... Have to get ready for our trip tomorrow I'm almost done packing I still have a little to do.  I hope our bag fits in the trunk with the gicantic stroller! Ugh! Ed is in the living room sad and sulking because we are leaving..he thinks Tristan is going to forget him.....but he will be ok.  We also have a doctors appt at 10am.  Tristan is going to get 3 shots :-( I hope he will be ok... His Abuelita comes tomorrow.. another full day..Mommie is going to be tired.

Good Night! And get ready for our post with our family and friends in NY!

Catch Up!

Here are a few pics from the day Tristan was born up until now... Since I started this a little late I have to get everyone caught up.....

Tristan James O'Neil - 8lbs 20.5 inches born at 6:33pm on August 20, 2009

1st time Daddy held him...

"Where's my Brush??"  You know as soon as the baby popped out I had to make sure I was picture ready...My 1st time really looking and holding him after labor... (I will post my labor story soon)

Now he can relax...

 I love this pic... I don't know how to rotate it... Gettting ready for his hospital picture,

Going Home!
First night home...

Already smiling aat 1 week!

Night Night Baby....

He loves his Mommie! (I don't know how to rotate)

1st Doctor visit


1st time his Grandaddy & Mama Ku Ku see him.

Tristan and his O'Neil Great Grandaddy, Uncle and Cousins....


Sooo happy sleeping on Mommie ...

Tristan's 1st bath... He loved it and was sooo relaxed after..

Jay-Z made him stay and fall asleep in his swing for the 1st time!!!

Chillin' with Daddy

1st real day out after Church......

Mommie's Little Photo Shoot!!

After the doctor (Sept. 24th) He's not a happy camper :-(

1 month... Such a big boy!!