Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

VA weekend!

Friday afternoon Tristan and I picked up his Abuelita from the airport...From there we kept it moving to VA. Tristan did really well for the drive we only had to stop once for him to eat. He slept the whole 2 hour ride. When we get to Great Grandma's house in Va. my uncle rushes to the car to get him out. This is the 1st time my Aunt's, Uncles, Cousins and Grandmother have seen him besides pictures. He goes right into my Grandmothers room and she is smiling from ear to ear! Saying "Awww he's such a pretty baby." My Aunt and 2 cousins were there too! So excited to see him.. it was a picture perfect moment! But I freakin left my camera! Soo so mad! So I didn't get the pic of the 1st time is Great Grandmother held him but it's ok.. he had a full full weekend so full he slept allllll day Saturday at my Grandmothers Birthday party, which was super nice! Here are some pics from the party.......

We made it to Va... This is the night we got there the only pic I could take on my cell then it died. SMH!!

I Love this pic!

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Tristan and one of his Godsisters Jada

Amaya is is other Godsister just missing Harmony and Jada #2 lol

Awww look at him sooo happy with his Auntie Grandma Mimi...

Hot Grandma! She's beautiful!

I've had a long day Grandma Becca

Tristan loves his Great Grandma! She is in love with him too!!!

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