Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Car Ride to NY

My Mighty Mouse was such a big boy. He was sleep most of the way he woke up to eat and went back to sleep. It was a 6 hour ride from Richmond he went through 3 bottles... Speaking of bottles.. He no longer can use Similac Sensitive he liked it a lot but it made my poor baby break out with a rash! It looked like heat but I thought back to when I started seeing the little bumps and it was when he started on the Similac :-( Poor Stinka, but he is back on Good Start and his little face is already starting to cleat up. Like I said, I thought it was a heat rash because that's what it looked liked but it's going down! Whew! I did not like it at all. Back to the ride... When we got to my house it was about 5:30pm maybe 6. He was up for a bit but a little fussy... I knew he was tired from the ride, he allllways fights his sleep like he is going to miss something lol last night he slept through the whole night :-), he is a trooper and My little New Yorker is ready to meet the rest of his family and friends!!
Sleeping the right knocks him right out..

I know he's thinking about something... What? I don't know lol
Look at those cheeks!

Yup Chico came along for the ride...Nosey..SIT DOWN CHICO!

Hey Ma! Give me my bottle! With his eyes super wide lol

At a rest stop... He was out for a little... He needed a stretch lol and a diaper change.

We made it! Thanks Uncle Ruben.... Now they are knocked out! LOL

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