Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Woke up this morning with an idea....

So around 4:45 this morning my son woke up whining... I knew what that meant.. it was time to eat... I made a bottle and couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to start a blog for him! This will be a great way for all my family and friends who won't be able to see him grow in person keep up with him through this blog! I wish I would have started this leading up to his birthday but he is 7 weeks today! Better now than later... So that's all I have to say for my 1st post... I am going to do my best to keep up with this! Have a great day family!! xoxoxoxo

Tristan after that bottle... He's so good, he went right back to sleep.


  1. Great know I'm a blogger!!

  2. YAYYY! But we still need to video chat...whenever you are ready!

  3. Thanks!!! I didn't know Kimmie... you have a site??

    Keara!!! I'm going to be in NY when are you coming back?
